Here it is--my official workspace at Shared Harvest! After a little strategic shuffling of desks and tables, we moved this table from the break room into my office earlier this morning. It's much better than mooching off of Meredith and Martha's unused desk space or setting up shop on my filing cabinet! I spent a little time this morning making it my own. Check out my bulletin board, which I adopted from Meredith's stash, and the document stands and file trays I claimed from our newly cleaned closet. I even salvaged two milk crates, as seen at the left side of the table, for our own little shelving unit.
You might be wondering why the table is so long--that's because I will be sharing it with our second VISTA, Alex! She was hired on last week, but her paperwork isn't quite ready, so she won't be starting until late August. (Hopefully she'll have a chair by that time!) We have already hit it off, and I know she and I will work well together this year. I am excited for her to begin her term of service! In the meantime, it is nice to have a friend in Fairfield.
Good job making due with what is available.