Monday, July 27, 2009

Training wheels

I'm back from Columbus and I'm taking off the training wheels for my first community training tomorrow in Xenia, Ohio. As you know, the last step of my certification process is to conduct two trainings of my own. Of course, Meredith will be with me, but for the most part, I'll be in charge of the 6-hour class.

I spent the day preparing for my class by gathering 2 training booklets, marketing materials, and practice materials for each of the 5 people in my class. I also entered information into our statewide spreadsheets for the first time. Tomorrow, Suzanna from the OBB state office will access the information I entered and create log-in names and passwords for the people who attend my class. I'm excited to be linked to the other community trainers in the state!

But I'm also getting a little nervous. According to my resume, I am an experienced public speaker, so I should have nothing to worry about. But OBB community trainings last all day, and the information we cover is complicated and extensive. We have applications for at least 22 benefits and programs, and I have to teach all of the new counselors not only how to use the software, but also a little about each of those programs. I'm nervous that I will leave out important information or become so flustered that the class loses confidence in me and the OBB. I know Meredith will be there for back up, and I look forward to learning how I can improve my trainings. But honestly, I have perfectionistic tendencies and just I want to do this right the first time.

I'm going to look through my materials a few more times tonight and practice at least a portion of my presentation. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I hope all goes well today! Nice to hear others with the same trepidations...
