This weekend has been a whirlwind, and quite non-traditional in the way of labor. For the next six weeks I will be filling in on a weekend third shift for a staff member at the House of Peace. Saturday night/Sunday morning was my first shift on my own, and let me tell you, it's quite a big adjustment working third shift one day a week. It's difficult to get on a consistent schedule! In the days leading up to my shift, I tried staying awake later and later, but it's not quite the same as staying up all night. When school starts this will really get interesting, especially if other co-workers ask me to fill in for them on other days/nights. Fortunately all of my graduate classes will be in the early to mid evenings, so maybe I'll just end up turning into a bit of a night owl anyway.
Nonetheless, I survived the night and crashed immediately upon returning home Sunday morning. I was up by 2:30 that afternoon, and after some delicious scrambled eggs courtesy of my faithful husband (hey, it's breakfast somewhere!), I ventured off to my best friend's apartment in preparation for Riverfest Fireworks in Cincinnati. By 4:30 or so we had successfully staked our spot at a beautiful overlook in Eden Park. Check out all of the boats!
Speaking of sleeplessness, Taylor worked all night last night, and he's finally up today. Time for breakfast!
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