Today marks my first complete week of graduate school, and I couldn't be happier. Amazingly there are only 9 more weeks to go in the quarter, and I'm still not sure how everything will get finished in time. To facilitate the creative/work process, though, I now have an awesome new work space where I can tackle all of my assignments.
After sharing our dining room with our office space (read: after our office swallowed our dining room table and chairs) last year in our one-bedroom apartment, we were ready to devote an entire room to our books, computer, files and accessories. So
when we moved to Cincinnati, we selected the master bedroom for our office because of is spacious size, multiple outlets, and corner location.
Check out the "before" picture:

Note the bland walls and pet-stained carpet. Oh, and all the boxes. As we repainted and unpacked every other room in the house, this one stayed like this for about 4 months this summer. Finally with the school year upon us, we just had to get it done. Soooo...
Check out the "after" pictures:

Yes, we spent a week and a half and re-painted, de-carpeted, and unpacked (never mind the boxes of office stuff stacked in the guest bedroom right now. It's a work in progress, okay?)! In fact, I was pulling up the last of the staples and tack strip from the floor just one hour before my first class last week. Yesterday, Taylor surprised me with this new computer (from which this post originates) and finally our work space was complete. For now.
So far I have used my new work space to accomplish quite a bit on the e-mail, facebook, and blog front, so perhaps I shall end this post to actually get a little homework finished before class tonight.
Then again, I haven't made it over to YouTube yet today...
I'm so impressed with everything you're doing with the house! Also, we are going to have to set another dinner double date sometime soon.