Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health Care

It would seem that health care is the theme of the day.

As I write this post, President Obama is addressing Congress and the nation on health care reform. Because I am an AmeriCorps*VISTA member, this isn't the place for political endorsements or campaigning. Yet, like millions of Americans, and politicians on both sides of the Congressional aisle, I can recognize that the system we have now isn't working. Putting the particular details of health care reform plans aside, we can all agree that a solution is in order. Health care is, in fact, a human right. Write and call your Congressional representatives to remind them of that.

But health care reform is empty without an improvement in health care quality. This morning, Meredith, Alex, and I attended an event called Cincinnati Aligning Forces for Quality, which addressed that very issue. And I'll be honest, a lot of what they discussed went over my non-medical head. A layman's translation would have been helpful! Still, the gist of the forum was clear: doctors, hospital administrators, insurance companies, and politicians all have an obligation to provide access to quality, affordable care to all Americans.

Taylor and I are lucky to have health coverage for the time being--Taylor's through his parents and mine through AmeriCorps. But we're getting married in March, and I won't be serving as a VISTA forever. One year from now, what will our health insurance coverage look like? Can we guarantee that we'll have employers who offer a quality health insurance package? Can we even guarantee we'll have full-time jobs with decent wages to cover our expenses?

The health care reform bill working its way through Congress is more than just a rhetorical debate. Real people's lives are at stake. Speaking for myself, I hope our president and policymakers will get it together to get this thing done.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, agreed, a thousand times agreed.

    On another topic entirely, married in March?! I guess I should have figured it was coming for you and Taylor, but I can't imagine being in your shoes and having to make wedding plans on top of everything else! If you need any moral support (or any support besides fiscal, haha), your fellow VISTA in the NE is always here! :)
